十一月十七日 常年期第三十三周星期三 每日讀經 https://youtu.be/WrQiM-sxv1k

玫瑰經: 歡喜五端( The Mysteries of the Rosary: The Joyful of the Mysteries)


恭讀瑪加伯書下 7:1,20-31





答唱詠 詠17:1,5-6,8,15











恭讀聖路加福音 19:11-28








2021 Catholic Mass Daily Bible Reading https://youtu.be/K3R7jKrbob0

First reading 2 Maccabees 7:1,20-31

There were seven brothers who were arrested with their mother. The king tried to force them to taste pig’s flesh, which the Law forbids, by torturing them with whips and scourges. But the mother was especially admirable and worthy of honourable remembrance, for she watched the death of seven sons in the course of a single day, and endured it resolutely because of her hopes in the Lord. Indeed she encouraged each of them in the language of their ancestors; filled with noble conviction, she reinforced her womanly argument with manly courage, saying to them, ‘I do not know how you appeared in my womb; it was not I who endowed you with breath and life, I had not the shaping of your every part. It is the creator of the world, ordaining the process of man’s birth and presiding over the origin of all things, who in his mercy will most surely give you back both breath and life, seeing that you now despise your own existence for the sake of his laws.’ Antiochus thought he was being ridiculed, suspecting insult in the tone of her voice; and as the youngest was still alive he appealed to him not with mere words but with promises on oath to make him both rich and happy if he would abandon the traditions of his ancestors; he would make him his Friend and entrust him with public office. The young man took no notice at all, and so the king then appealed to the mother, urging her to advise the youth to save his life. After a great deal of urging on his part she agreed to try persuasion on her son. Bending over him, she fooled the cruel tyrant with these words, uttered in the language of their ancestors, ‘My son, have pity on me; I carried you nine months in my womb and suckled you three years, fed you and reared you to the age you are now (and cherished you). I implore you, my child, observe heaven and earth, consider all that is in them, and acknowledge that God made them out of what did not exist, and that mankind comes into being in the same way. Do not fear this executioner, but prove yourself worthy of your brothers, and make death welcome, so that in the day of mercy I may receive you back in your brothers’ company.’ She had scarcely ended when the young man said, ‘What are you all waiting for? I will not comply with the king’s ordinance; I obey the ordinance of the Law given to our ancestors through Moses. As for you, sir, who have contrived every kind of evil against the Hebrews, you will certainly not escape the hands of God.’

Responsorial Psalm Psalm 16(17):1,5-6,8,15

I shall be filled, when I awake, with the sight of your glory, O Lord. Lord, hear a cause that is just, pay heed to my cry. Turn your ear to my prayer: no deceit is on my lips. .......

Gospel Acclamation 1Jn2:5

Alleluia, alleluia! Whenever anyone obeys what Christ has said, God’s love comes to perfection in him. Alleluia!

Gospel Luke 19:11-28

While the people were listening, Jesus went on to tell a parable, because he was near Jerusalem and they imagined that the kingdom of God was going to show itself then and there. Accordingly he said, ‘A man of noble birth went to a distant country to be appointed king and afterwards return. He summoned ten of his servants and gave them ten pounds. “Do business with these” he told them “until I get back.” But his compatriots detested him and sent a delegation to follow him with this message, “We do not want this man to be our king.” ‘Now on his return, having received his appointment as king, he sent for those servants to whom he had given the money, to find out what profit each had made. The first came in and said, “Sir, your one pound has brought in ten.” “Well done, my good servant!” he replied “Since you have proved yourself faithful in a very small thing, you shall have the government of ten cities.” Then came the second and said, “Sir, your one pound has made five.” To this one also he said, “And you shall be in charge of five cities.” Next came the other and said, “Sir, here is your pound. I put it away safely in a piece of linen because I was afraid of you; for you are an exacting man: you pick up what you have not put down and reap what you have not sown.” “You wicked servant!” he said “Out of your own mouth I condemn you. So you knew I was an exacting man, picking up what I have not put down and reaping what I have not sown? Then why did you not put my money in the bank? On my return I could have drawn it out with interest.” And he said to those standing by, “Take the pound from him and give it to the man who has ten pounds.” And they said to him, “But, sir, he has ten pounds…”. “I tell you, to everyone who has will be given more; but from the man who has not, even what he has will be taken away. ‘“But as for my enemies who did not want me for their king, bring them here and execute them in my presence.”’ When he had said this he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem.

Gospel of the Lord


11.17 (三) 勇敢面對危機 匈牙利聖麗莎 瑪加伯書下七1,20-31


那時候,有兄弟七人與他們的母親一同被捕,國王命人用鞭子和牛筋痛打他們,強迫他們吃法律禁止的豬肉。尤當稱奇,最值得光榮記念的,還是他們的母親。她在一日之內親見七個兒子死去,還能欣然忍受,因為她全心寄望於上主。她心中充滿高尚的情緒,以大丈夫的氣概奮發起女性孱弱的心靈,用本國的話,一一鼓勵他們說:「我不知你們怎樣出現在我的腹中:不是我給了你們靈魂與生命,也不是我構成了你們每一個人的身體。世界的創造者,既然形成了人的初生,賜予萬物以起源,也必仁慈償還你們靈魂和生命,因為你們現在為愛護衪的法律捨生致命。」… … 「我兒,你憐恤我罷!我在腹中懷育你九個月,三年哺養你,又栽培提攜養育你,直到現在的年紀。我兒,我懇求你仰視天,俯視地,觀察天地間形形色色的萬物!你該知道,這一切都是天主從無中造成的,人類也是如此造成的。你不要怕這劊子手,反該對得起你的哥哥們,視死如歸,好叫我在天主顯示仁慈的時候,可迎接你的哥哥和你。」她剛說完了話,青年人就說:「你們還等什麼?我決不聽從國王的命令,我只聽從梅瑟給我們祖宗立定的法律命令。你這設法迫害希伯來人的罪魁,你決不能逃脫天主的手!」









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11月17日   屬靈生命與事奉 




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